
Componha e grave arquivos MIDI com este poderoso editor de música.
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Temperamento Classificação e resumo


  • Rating:
  • Licença:
  • Freeware
  • Preço:
  • Free
  • Nome do editor:
  • By Angry Red Planet
  • Sistemas operacionais:
  • Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Requisitos adicionais:
  • Temper 1.4Fix: Potential data corruption when using Add->Program Track. Fix: Chopped audio events would continue playing. Fix: Potential crash when selecting Change To-> on a VST and replacing it with another VST. Fix: Send audio FX were only sending to a single destination, even when multiple destinations were selected. Change: Metering. How audio signals are monitored and values set has completely changed. There is no longer a meter level below the track name; instead, there are now small meter bars available on the relevant FX. Click on these FX to set the volume and pan levels. Alternatively, click on a track to set the volume and pan levels for all in our out audio FX in the track. When selecting the track, you can also add one or more events to the meter (this replaces the track MIDI levels, which are now gone), which allows you to set a scaling range and initial value for each event. You can also select multiple tracks to get audio meter bars for each. Various other work has been done, such as adding pan as a target in the controller area of the track editor (for realtime pan changes), and adding smoothing to the realtime volume and pan controllers. Note that for audio, a track can have one to three types of levels to meter: Input, phrase and output. Input and output applies to tracks with audio inputs and outputs; phrase applies to the main track. It provides a way to set volume levels before audio gets recorded. Added button in the track editor that lets you select a default MIDI input. This input will follow whatever track you edit. Added a brickwall limiter available on audio tracks, accessible by clicking on the track name. New projects will have it enabled by default. It's low quality -- the primary use is to prevent signal overloads from damaging equipment. Added ability to create a default main buss track that new songs will be initialized with. To do this, create a song with a single track on your audio outs configured as desired, then save the song as "init main audio.squ" in your user programs/Temper/ folder (located in Documents/Angry Red Planet/Temper/ on Windows 7 systems). For example, rather then use the newly added limiter, I have a track configured with ToneBooster's Barricade pro between the audio input and phrases.
  • Tamanho do arquivo:
  • 97 KB
  • Total de downloads:
  • 1263

Temperamento Tag

Temperamento Descrição

Tempere é um sequenciador de áudio MIDI + com ênfase no MIDI. O temperamento fornece uma interface de usuário direta que o guia rapidamente em operações avançadas de grupo e funcionalidade exclusiva, como decoração e execute o tempo, todos amarrados com um conceito de forma subjacente para descrever a transformação de dados. Integre facilmente o temperamento com o seu outro software através do comportamento básico de arrastar e soltar, mais funcionalidade de sincronização avançada ou perfeitamente como um VST.

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